´La mort´ derives from PUBER, a project by Tanit Plana that was exhibited in La Virreina, Centre de la Imatge, where adolescence and its socio-cultural practices were explored.

During 2021, the project has been expanding and transforming in different spaces of the city until arriving at La Casa Elizalde, where an exhibition specifically conceived for the spaces of the center is shown, and which has been worked on with a group of young people from GAC (Creative Action Group) and from Eix Jove de l'Eixample among others.

Death has been at the center of everything. And, with the melancholy of what we don't know yet, we have come out with a song that looks like a very long poem, a wound that looks like a crashed motorcycle, the darkness that hugs us like the cat of depression while a computer plays a distorted melody that reminds us of The Deer Hunter's Cavatina.


In conversation with Laura Balmes, Sara Batiste, Ivet Calsina, Samantha Cameras Álvarez, Guerau Carabén, Mónica Castillo Yani, Júlia Duna, Iris López, Xènia Mariano Sala, Pau Mbengue, Martina Monedero, Zumar Siñol, Maia Smith Calvo, Max Soler, Sergi Terol and Cèlia Vinyes Rossell. 

The poem THIS LYRIC DOES NOT EXIST has been created by an algorithm that shaped our refs: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sara Batiste, Phil Collins, Miquel Martí i Pol, William S. Burroughs, Wikipedia, William Wordworth, et al. 

Amazing skills by Marina Giraldos, love by massatardmare, Sally’s voice (AI) and Violeta Agustí’s body vaping piña colada. 

Exhibition by Temporals, promoted by Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB).
Barcelona, Casa Elizalde, 2021


No light no moon.
the world is dead.
We have waited forever.
I am not a person.
and I am not an animal. 
There is something I am here for.
something I must do before I can go.
The beast is dead and gone.
The beast is dead and gone.
The day of wrath, that day.
will break up the world into ash.
I saw you dead.
Saw you dead, in the heat of the fire.
I just sat there.
I acted like dead.
Yeah, I like dead dolls.
I like dead dolls.
The flower you had.
is dead and gone.
Well I can’t go swimming without you.
Time runs out.
I hear the dead.
The dead chatter on.
The day of wrath, that day.
will break up the world into ash.
Carved from your brain.
Wasted, left for dead.
I just sat there.
I acted like dead.
Yeah, I like dead dolls.
I like dead dolls.
The day of wrath.
the day of wrath, that day.
will break up the world into ash.
They may crucify the truth, but nothing stays the same.
And whoever does will be blamed to the last.

This strange game of dead man walking.
I just sat there.
I acted like dead.
Yeah, I like dead dolls.
I like dead dolls.
How much trembling is about to be.
when the judge is about to come.
and strictly examine all things.
What though the radiance.
which was once so bright.
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour.
Of splendour in the grass,
splendour in the grass,
of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not, rather find.
Strength in what remains behind.
I just sat there.
I like dead dolls.
An hypothetical form of matter.
85% of the universe.
astrophysical observations, 
including gravitational effects. 
But still It cannot be explained.
most experts think.
dark matter is abundant in the universe.
strong influence.
structure and evolution. 
Dark matter is called dark.
it does not appear to interact.
it does not absorb, 
or emit.
electromagnetic radiation, 
it is difficult to detect.
calculations show.
that many galaxies would fly apart, 
or that they would not have formed.
or would not move as they do, 
if they did not contain a large amount of unseen matter.
I see myself streaking across the sky.
like a star to leave the earth.
What holds me back?
Now you know that death is not dying.
but let a loved one die. 
Your death does not invite you to the gloomy show:
makes you the protagonist, and it must be sad.
Ripples never come back
Gone to the other side
But it’s sadder to see the slow agony.
of someone you love, like the body.
so well known it degrades and damages.
until it becomes a bundle of bones and skin.
that is not even served, but still loves,
and speaks of healing with hope.
So go back to your enclosure and get strong.
with a life choice, now that you know.
that dying is not death, 
and fill of love, the emptiness of the dead loved one.
You stop being a matter of time.
When I see you, you dissolve.

Dark and latent,
empty present,
it has removed my nostalgia,
it has irritated my feelings.
The day of wrath, that day.
will break up the world into ash.
